WB logo, flying through the clouds.
Sirius Black: "Things have changed Harry. Voldemort's biding his time, gathering his followers."
CUT TO:Sirius in Grimmauld Place
Sirius Black: "These are dangerous times, you need to be extra careful."
CUT TO Dumbledore standing before a huge wall of court stands
Dumbledore: "Surely you can appreciate the danger we are all in....you cannot ignore the signs.."
CUT TO Shot of a window bursting, glass shattering everywhere.
Hermione: "The Minister wants to discredit you, he's scared of Dumbledore."
CUT TO Harry overlooking the Pensieve
CUT TO Hermione; she looks scared
Harry: "Why does nobody believe me?"
CUT TO Hagrid with big bruises all over his face, smiling at Harry
Dumbledore: "Please join me in welcoming our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher."
CUT TO Umbridge at the podium in the Great Hall.
CUT TO Shot of a feather quill approaching Harry
Umbridge: "Little boys must learn not to tell lies."
CUT TO Harry in a room with Snape learning Occlumency
Snape: "Concentrate Potter, your mind is weak."
CUT TO Harry
Harry: "I am not weak."
CUT TO Snape close up scowling
Snape: "Then prove it!"
CUT TO: Bellatrix in a huge corridor, grinning insanely
Hermione: "Several Death Eaters have escaped from Azkaban."
CUT TO Hooded figures sweeping past the screen
CUT TO : A huge sweeping shot ending in a close up on Bellatrix.
CUT TO Harry, Ron, and Hermione in the woods looking scared.
CUT TO Wide shot of a tree being uprooted
Ron: "What the bloody hell was that?"
CUT TO: Misty room; Voldemort emerges from the mist in a huge black hooded robe.
CUT TO Harry kissing Cho
CUT TO Shot of London with the Order flying over the river
CUT TO Harry on his broom
Sirius: "Keep your whits about you Harry."
CUT TO panning shot of the D.A.
CUT TO What looks like McGonagall getting hit by a spell
CUT TO Malfoy looking smug
CUT TO Umbridge in Trelawney's class
Umbridge: "Ahem..."
CUT TO A wide shot of a huge darkened room; Dumbledore and Voldemort pointing wands at each other
CUT TO Shot of a Thestral in the woods
CUT TO Shot of Harry pointing his wand in the Ministry
CUT TO Harry screaming
Harry: "NOOOOO!"
Què us ha semblat? Jo de moment trobo que és bastant fidel al llibre no? Però clar això s'ha de veure tota la peli sencera per poder-ho dir....