Harry Potter ens ensenya genètica!!
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Harry Potter ens ensenya genètica!!
La revista Nature (pels que no sàpigueu de què va és una famossíssima i prestigiosa revista de Ciència) ha penjat a la seva web un article que explica com els mes peques poden començar a entendre com funciona la genètica mendeliana (que a primera vista sembla fàcil però no ho és eh! i ho dic per experiència) gràcies als llibres de la Rowling!
Aqui teniu el text, a veure si tots aquells que esteu començant a estudiar-ho us serveix d'ajuda Aps està en anglès eh! No tinc pas temps de traduir-ho tot però si algú té algun dubte que pregunti i entre tots l'ajudarem!
We are bombarded with news of genetic discoveries on an almost daily basis, but people without a formal knowledge of heredity and genetics can have difficulty in deciphering and applying this information. Education and debate across all ages would undoubtedly help, but how can we teach children these concepts?
We believe that successful lessons for younger children can be achieved using analogies of direct interest and relevance. Most children are familiar with J. K. Rowling's stories about the young wizard Harry Potter (whose latest exploit, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, was published by Bloomsbury in July). They are set in a world like our own, but populated by a minority of people with supernatural powers (wizards and witches) and a majority of people without (muggles).
Wizards or witches can be of any race, and may be the offspring of a wizard and a witch, the offspring of two muggles ('muggle-born'), or of mixed ancestry ('half-blood').
This suggests that wizarding ability is inherited in a mendelian fashion, with the wizard allele (W) being recessive to the muggle allele (M). According to this hypothesis, all wizards and witches therefore have two copies of the wizard allele (WW). Harry's friends Ron Weasley and Neville Longbottom and his arch-enemy Draco Malfoy are 'pure-blood' wizards: WW with WW ancestors for generations back. Harry's friend Hermione is a powerful muggle-born witch (WW with WM parents). Their classmate Seamus is a half-blood wizard, the son of a witch and a muggle (WW with one WW and one WM parent). Harry (WW with WW parents) is not considered a pure-blood, as his mother was muggle-born.
There may even be examples of incomplete penetrance (Neville has poor wizarding skills) and possible mutations or questionable paternity: Filch, the caretaker, is a 'squib', someone born into a wizarding family but with no wizarding powers of their own.
We believe that, with the use of these examples, the concepts of mendelian genetics can be introduced to children as young as five, and then built on by gradually introducing specific terms such as 'gene' and 'allele', and relating these to chromosomes and DNA. At every stage, the children's familiarity with the Harry Potter characters can be used as a hook to engage them in discussing concepts of heredity and genetics.
Aqui teniu el text, a veure si tots aquells que esteu començant a estudiar-ho us serveix d'ajuda Aps està en anglès eh! No tinc pas temps de traduir-ho tot però si algú té algun dubte que pregunti i entre tots l'ajudarem!
We are bombarded with news of genetic discoveries on an almost daily basis, but people without a formal knowledge of heredity and genetics can have difficulty in deciphering and applying this information. Education and debate across all ages would undoubtedly help, but how can we teach children these concepts?
We believe that successful lessons for younger children can be achieved using analogies of direct interest and relevance. Most children are familiar with J. K. Rowling's stories about the young wizard Harry Potter (whose latest exploit, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, was published by Bloomsbury in July). They are set in a world like our own, but populated by a minority of people with supernatural powers (wizards and witches) and a majority of people without (muggles).
Wizards or witches can be of any race, and may be the offspring of a wizard and a witch, the offspring of two muggles ('muggle-born'), or of mixed ancestry ('half-blood').
This suggests that wizarding ability is inherited in a mendelian fashion, with the wizard allele (W) being recessive to the muggle allele (M). According to this hypothesis, all wizards and witches therefore have two copies of the wizard allele (WW). Harry's friends Ron Weasley and Neville Longbottom and his arch-enemy Draco Malfoy are 'pure-blood' wizards: WW with WW ancestors for generations back. Harry's friend Hermione is a powerful muggle-born witch (WW with WM parents). Their classmate Seamus is a half-blood wizard, the son of a witch and a muggle (WW with one WW and one WM parent). Harry (WW with WW parents) is not considered a pure-blood, as his mother was muggle-born.
There may even be examples of incomplete penetrance (Neville has poor wizarding skills) and possible mutations or questionable paternity: Filch, the caretaker, is a 'squib', someone born into a wizarding family but with no wizarding powers of their own.
We believe that, with the use of these examples, the concepts of mendelian genetics can be introduced to children as young as five, and then built on by gradually introducing specific terms such as 'gene' and 'allele', and relating these to chromosomes and DNA. At every stage, the children's familiarity with the Harry Potter characters can be used as a hook to engage them in discussing concepts of heredity and genetics.
Ostres hahahahaa, és molt bo aquest article, m'ha agradat especialment perque jo tenia pensat relacionar la meva fanfiction amb aquest tema (bé mes o menys). Justament quant l'escribia feia 1r i 2n de batx i clar ens donaven aquest tema de Mendel, em va agradara i vaig pensar que a la ff l'esmentaria i ara se m'han adelantat, jajajaa quina gracia!
Vaja està molt ben plantejat i no havia profunditzat tan en lo dels al·lels, però està molt bé.
Quant tingui temps i si hi ha molta gent que no l'enten jo puc ajudar! (no es per ser repelent, però es que em fa ilusió que es un tema que em sé!^^)
Vaja està molt ben plantejat i no havia profunditzat tan en lo dels al·lels, però està molt bé.
Quant tingui temps i si hi ha molta gent que no l'enten jo puc ajudar! (no es per ser repelent, però es que em fa ilusió que es un tema que em sé!^^)
- Weasley(L)Hermione
- Alumne/a de 2n
- Entrades: 68
- Membre des de: dv. ago. 12, 2005 9:36 am
- Ubicació: Univers, via làctea, sistema solar, terra, europa, paísos catalans, alt penedès
- diego potter
- Alumne/a de 4t
- Entrades: 106
- Membre des de: dj. feb. 10, 2005 7:32 pm
- Ubicació: Dormitoris de Gryffindor
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ja sabia jo que la j.k rowling no feia broma...
"Els records mes felicos es poden trobar en els moment mes foscos"
La britney es la millor
http://news.softpedia.com/images/news2/ ... ures-2.jpg
La britney es la millor
http://news.softpedia.com/images/news2/ ... ures-2.jpg
- Marc Riera
- President/a de la Confederació Internacional
- Entrades: 572
- Membre des de: dj. abr. 14, 2005 6:02 pm
- Nom: Pepet, no et fot...
- Contacta:
- Finalpotter
- Membre d'Honor de la Conselleria
- Entrades: 2035
- Membre des de: dj. abr. 21, 2005 9:55 pm
- Rang: Passat
- beryl Malfoy
- Alumne/a de 4t
- Entrades: 111
- Membre des de: dc. ago. 24, 2005 5:14 pm
- Ubicació: Slytherin
Sí, tens rao anna, encara k Crichton ho barreja tot una mica i és clar, fica un element fictici (els pc quantics encara no existeixen). Però a més, allò eren viatges en el temps (diferent de teletransport), en principi no es pot viatjar en el temps (suposaria travessar el conus de llum i no podem anar a més de la velocitat de la llum). I llavors s'inventa la història dels forats de cuc k com ningú sap encara ben bé com funcionen doncs li kda bé al llibre (a mi em va agradar). Però una cosa són els viatges en el temps (no existeixen) i un altre el teletransport quantic k si (amb fotons només). Encara k es pogues fer amb persones a mi no m'agradaria gens donat k el subjecte teletransportat es destrueix i es torna a crear en un altre puesto (ecs!).
Això és un article k vaig fer servir per fer un treball a classe (és una mica rollo) i l'altre és una noticia sobre un experiment de veritat:
http://www.abc.net.au/news/scitech/2002 ... 0959_1.htm
Això és un article k vaig fer servir per fer un treball a classe (és una mica rollo) i l'altre és una noticia sobre un experiment de veritat:
http://www.abc.net.au/news/scitech/2002 ... 0959_1.htm
- Marc Riera
- President/a de la Confederació Internacional
- Entrades: 572
- Membre des de: dj. abr. 14, 2005 6:02 pm
- Nom: Pepet, no et fot...
- Contacta: